Number of Days Until The 2024 General Election

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

American History By The Day: May 21st

The American Revolution - North:  On this day in 1781 in Wethersfield, Connecticut, George Washington and French General Rochambeau hod a conference to discuss common strategy.  Rochambeau reluctantly agrees to Washington's plan for a joint attack on New York, with the aid of the French West Indian Fleet led by Count de Grasse.
American Sectionalism - National Politics:  On this day in 1830 the 'Foot Resoluton' which inspired the famous Webster-Hayne debate, is tabled.  Introduced in December of 1829, Connecticut Senator Samuel A. Foot authored a resolution that called for a temporary suspension of [public land] surveys until land already on the market had been sold.  This debate would lead to Daniel Webster giving what many consider is the most eloquent speech ever delivered in Congress.
Twentieth Century America - International:  On the date in 1902 the United States and Mexico come to an agreement over distribution of the waters of the Rio Grande which are being increasingly diverted into the United States for irrigation.
The Cold War - Politics:  On this day in 1949 the Federal Republic of Germany [West Germany] is established from the eleven states that make up the three occupied Allied Zones:  the United States; the United Kingdom; and France.   with the city of Bonn as its provisional capitol. 
"Check Point Charlie," the most famous gate entrance in Berlin for either east or west Germany is the location of a tense face to face standoff between the Allies and the Soviet Union.

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