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Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Truman's Conscience American History Blogmanac Mission Statement

Welcome to Truman’s Conscience American History Blogmanac.  As a public school teacher that has taught World & American history for the past 14 years I have been an off and on again custodian of this small humble effort to share my all consuming love for the historical arc of the United States.  I am forever drawn to its promise and call for every citizen to contribute to the American community to further the ideals called for in it’s Declaration of Independence and Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address.  This coming academic year I will be starting my 15th year and that drive to consume myself in passing of that love to my students will take on a fresh effort as it does every year with the promise of  young minds open to learning just what the promise of the United States of America is historically, politically, social, and economically.

The most admired American historical figure for me is the brother of our 35th President, Senator Robert F. Kennedy.  I was a 13 year old high school student the year he was assassinated.  I remember to this day how the news affected my mother as she awakened me shortly after midnight of June 5th, 1968.  She was visibly upset and crying telling me to go watch the news coverage of the assassination attempt as it was a point in our history I should never forget.  She talked to me later that morning about the loss she felt after the loss first of his brother, John F. Kennedy in 1963 and now Senator Robert Kennedy who she felt was so full of promise and hope.  My father, who was away on an overseas cruise in the navy, related to me the very same feelings of disappointment and a feeling that our country was so much less without him.  My father passed on his sense of love for his country and the promise its arc of history gave us.
I read a speech by RFK in my college years where he once talked of that promise and the light our nation’s ideals, though woefully unrealized, offered to not only its citizens but to the rest of the world as well.  He felt it was his duty to be one of the many custodians to that promise and light our country offered and gave his life for that belief.  My blog of American History is a reflection of that custodian ship, though a small and humble one.  This is an invitation to join me as we explore where we have been, our mistakes, and the things we have done right to further what Jefferson called for to guarantee every citizen no matter what their station in life an, “….unalienable right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”  Come join in us.
American History Blogmanac will be here.

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