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Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Ulysses S. Grant 3 Day Mini-Series Event

Just saw an ad on MSNBC for a three night special event on Ulysses S. Grant our 18th President and General of the Union Army that literally saved the country.  Over the past few years there seems to be a shift in the perspective of Grant in the academic community.  This ‘revisionist’ look is taking him in as more of a heavyweight than he was essentially given credit for.  I’m really looking forward to it as I am just two years past my reading of William S. McFeely’s Pulitzer Prize winning biography on Ulysses S. Grant. McFeely passed away late last year and I understand that Leonardo DiCaprio is the executive producer of the mini-series.  I’ll review the series as it runs each night here at Truman’s Conscience American History Blogmanac.  More updates on the series as I run across it as so far all I know is it starts on Memorial Day evening, Monday, May 25th.

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