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Friday, May 24, 2013

American History By The Day: May 24th

The American Revolution - Approach:  On this day in 1764 the Grenville measures are protested at a Boston town meeting where James Otis first introduces the issue of taxation without representation, and he also suggests a united colonial response to the parliamentary acts.
The New American Nation - National:  On this day in 1813 in Washington, the 13th Congress convenes.  Among the freshman congressmen is Daniel Webster of New Hampshire.  In the Senate are 27 Democratic-Republicans to 9 Federalists, and in the House of Representatives are 112 Democratic-Republicans to 68 Federalists.  As a result of the most recent national census, 36 new seats have been added to the House.  Of these new representatives, 32 are Federalists.
Post Civil War America - International:  On this day in 1871 the Senate consents to the provisions of the Treaty of Washington, which have been worked out by the able Secretary of State Hamilton Fish.  This treaty between the United Kingdom and the United States would settle a variety of disputes between the countries that specifically included the Alabama Claims which resulted from British support of Confederate causes during the Civil War.
The American Cold War - International:  On the day in 1957 in Taipei, Taiwan, rioters mob the United States Embassy after the release of an American soldier held on a charge of killing a Chinese national.
James Otis in his famous five hour oration in the Massachusetts State House against the Writs of Assistance

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