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Wednesday, May 22, 2013

American History By The Day: May 22nd

The American Civil War - West:  On this day in 1863 Gen. Uysses S. Grant makes the decision to begin a seige of Vicksburg, Mississippi.  After Grants assaults are repulsed a second time on May 22nd against Confederate fortifications he makes a momentus decision to begin a siege of Vickburg instead of repeated assaults.
Post Civil War America - International:  On this day in 1892 a treaty of friendship and commerce is signed by Korea and the United States which will be ratified by the Senate on February 13th, 1883.  Korean independence from China, Russia, and Japan is recognized as desirable to the United States.
Twentieth Century America - National:  On this day in 1935 President Roosevelt vetoes the Patman Bill, which would allow veterens of World War I to immediately cash in bonus certificates (not due until 1945.)  Roosevelt becomes the first president to appear in person to appear in person before Congress to give an explanation of his veto -- he sees the results as inflationary -- but the House of Representatives immediately overrides his veto.  On May 23rd. however, the Senate will sustain the veto.
The American Atomic Age - International:  On this day in 1959 in signing an agreement with Canada the United States agrees to cooperate in research and development of nuclear energy.
The American Black Experience:  On this day in 1959 Brigadier General Benjamin O. Davis, Jr., of the Air Force, is appointed to Major General, the first Black American appointed to the rank.

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