Number of Days Until The 2024 General Election

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

American History By The Day: May 23rd

Early Colonial America - British Policy:  On this day in 1609 the English Crown grants a new charter to the London Company, which will now be titled the Virginia Company.  The charter provides for its incorporation as a joint stock company, thus providing the company with an infusion of much needed capital.  The Virginia company is also granted land and greatly increased powers of government in the American colony.  Sir Thomas Smith is named treasurer of the Virginia Company.
Early Colonial America - Colonial Affairs:  On this day in 1610 long delayed by a shipwreck in Bermuda, deputy-governor Sir Thomas Gates, accompanied by Sir George Somers and Captain Newport, finally reaches Jamestown to find the settlement demoralized by the wide-scale suffering and deaths of the previous winter.
Twentieth Century America - Regional:  On this day in 1903 Wisconsin is the first State to adopt direct primary elections.  By 1948 all states will have adopted the system.
America At War - WWII:  On this day in 1944 having bogged down at anzio since their landing there on January 22nd, the Allied forces now launch a major offensive in an effort to break out and move on to Rome.  Day by day, the Allies advance, and by June 1st they are able to start a drive on Rome.

Elements of the 5th Army wade ashore at Anzio, Italy in 1944

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