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Friday, May 17, 2013

American History By The Day: May, 17th

The American Revolution - Political*:  On this day in 1774 the citizens of Providence, Rhode Island, are the first to call for an intercolonial congress to combat the Coercive Acts.  This call is followed by one from Philadelphia on May, 21st, and another from New York on May, 23rd.  Instead of supporting Boston's call for immediate nonimportation, these cities advocate a discussion of possible common strategies at the proposed intercolonial congress.
The Civil War - Approach*:  On this day in 1838 pro-slavery mob grows angry because of the anti-slavery meetings held in Philadelphia's Pennsylvania Hall.  They burn it to the ground.
Presidential Election - National*:  On this day in 1888 similary named and similarly motivated as the May 16th Union Labor Party in Cincinnati, Ohio, the United Labor Party holds its convention in Cincinnati, Ohio as well.  Robert H. Cowdrey of Illinoois is nominated for President, and W.H.T. Wakefield of Kansas for Vice-President.
*Source:  The Almanac of American History, Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr.

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